Our services

only best solutions for business

Constructing the underlying bases of electrical supply, water supply, & resources.


The communications pathways, spaces and transmission links between users, processes, applications and services. The entire network infrastructure is interconnected, supporting multiple subsystems and technology applications for internal communications and/or external communications.


The preparation of the construction site, constructing and completing all mandatory requirements to finish a strong and sturdy building.

Interior Design

Enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a more aesthetically and functionally pleasing environment for the people using the space


The designing and building of executable computer programs for specific tasks.

Sidi Infrastructure.

Sidi Infrastructure.

Sidi IT.

Sidi Construction.

Sidi Interior Design.

Sidi Programming.

Our work

some of our projrcts

Sinai University

building N & dorms


A turnkey project that was executed by our construction and contracting team to the interior finishing... . The purpose was to face lift the architectural design .

Royal House School


A turnkey project that was executed by our construction and contracting team to the interior finishing. ...The purpose was to face lift the architectural design.

World Youth Forum

IT infras

A turnkey project that was executed by our construction and contracting team to the interior finishing.... The purpose was to face lift the architectural design .

Our reach

interting numbers for us

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Design awards

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Project finished

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Our team

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Our team

meet with professionals

Team mission & Visions

Mission: To go behind what is expected when it comes to perfection, team work, meeting deadlines, and great quality. We aim to deliver all our services in a top notch process to ensure our customer satisfaction & be one of the market leaders.
Vision:SIDI aims to become the top customer choice when it comes to infrastructure, construction, and IT projects.

more about us


our best services for you
Up to Date

Our designs and technology are always up to date and following what's new.

Quality vs Time

We deliver our projects on time with the best quality there is

Cost Effective

We are constantly growing yet we are cost effective and friendly